The history of Schulte Feingebäck
Since the foundation of the company in 1884, in which August Schulte launched a bread bakery, the brand name Schulte stands for high quality bakery products.

As a master baker the company founder, August Schulte, makes himself independent with a bread and country bakery.
After the death of her husband in 1917 Elisabeth Schulte continued the bakery trade.

At the age of 35 the son, Conrad Schulte, joins the company and continues to extend the specialisation of long-life bakery products.

With effect of January 1, 1963 Werner Schulte is brought officially into the company with the age of 32. The sole proprietorship gets transformed into the Conrad Schulte limited partnership, cookie, rusk, and biscuit factory.

With the buy of the company “Berliner Dauerbackwarenfabrik M.M. Breuer GmbH” the range gets extended by Dominos.
Werner Schulte expands the company premises by purchasing the former Mastholter primary school with the entire land.

A finished goods warehouse with over 2,000 pallet places is being built.
The bakery is abandoned and Werner Schulte specialises in the production of regional handicraft products such as rusk, "Knabbel" and "Stollen".

The son, Conrad-Werner Schulte, becomes shareholder of the family business.
Further modernisation with the newest baking technology is achieved by the installation of a production facility for Dominos and wafers.

Purchase of the company Antpöhler, successful producer of premium pastries and also the world wide known and loved Florentine products.
Development and start of the production of wafer sticks.

The production site gets extended by an additional 1,500 m² and also a new finished goods warehouse.

The company celebrates its 125 years anniversary.
A 1,100 m² technical center is being built with new modern rooms for product development and quality assurance as well as training and social rooms.

Frank Angenendt, who is successfully responsible for marketing and sales and a member of the management since 1st October 2011, is appointed as managing director as of 8th October 2014.
Acquisition of the distribution of the Gruyter’s sales line
to the Gruyters's range

Commissioning of the in 2016 built raw material storage for 750 pallet spaces.
Schulte becomes exclusively responsible for the distribution of the Jules Destrooper brand (Belgian court supplier for waffles) in Germany.
Jules Destrooper Products

Frank Angenendt, Managing Director of Marketing and Sales for many years, becomes a co-partner, thereby significantly strengthening the company's management.